Your Gateway to Extraordinary Adventures
+971 52 203 5124
Cnr 1st Str & Kwame Nkrumah, Harare

Travel to Dubai for Shopping

Travel to Dubai for Shopping

Dubai is a shopper’s paradise, and Ownega Travels ensures that your shopping expedition is a delightful and stress-free experience. Our shopping package goes beyond the basics by covering your visa, flight arrangements, and airport pickup. Upon your arrival, you’ll be welcomed to comfortable and conveniently located accommodation, so you can easily access Dubai’s shopping districts.

What sets Ownega Travels apart is our personalized shopping guide service. Our expert guides will take you to the city’s most renowned malls, traditional markets, and hidden gems, ensuring you discover the best shopping experiences Dubai has to offer. Whether you’re in search of high-end fashion, exquisite jewelry, or unique souvenirs, our guides will lead you to the right places, help you navigate local customs, and even negotiate deals on your behalf. Enjoy a shopping spree in Dubai with confidence, knowing that Ownega Travels has your back every step of the way.

Contact Us

  • Office 25 1st Floor Chiyedza House, Cnr 1st Street & Kwame Nkrumah Avenue, Harare
  • +263 78 116 4745
    +971 52 203 5124
    +971 58 808 5230



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