Your Gateway to Extraordinary Adventures
+971 52 203 5124
Cnr 1st Str & Kwame Nkrumah, Harare

About Us

About Ownega Travels

Welcome to Ownega Travels, your trusted partner for a seamless journey to Dubai! Established with a commitment to simplifying the process of relocating or traveling to Dubai, Ownega Travels has been a beacon of support for individuals worldwide. With our deep-rooted presence in Dubai, we understand the nuances of this vibrant city, and we’re here to ensure your transition is not just smooth but transformative.

Our journey began with the collaboration of two visionary minds – Arnold, known as ‘The Own,’ and Ed, the founder of ‘Megavision.’ Together, they formed ‘Ownega,’ representing the power of unity, shared vision, and the drive to create something greater together. At Ownega Travels, we carry this essence of partnership into every aspect of our services, forging a strong bond with our clients and guiding them towards a brighter future in Dubai.

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Our vision is to be the catalyst that empowers dreams and aspirations, connecting individuals from all corners of the globe with the opportunities, experiences, and cultural richness that Dubai has to offer. We aim to bridge distances and foster unity, making Dubai accessible to all.


At Ownega Travels, our mission is clear: to be the guiding light for those embarking on their journey to Dubai. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive, all-inclusive services that make relocating, holidaying, or shopping in Dubai a hassle-free experience. We aim to nurture success stories by offering tailored solutions, unparalleled support, and unrivaled expertise.



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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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