Your Gateway to Extraordinary Adventures
+971 58 808 5230
Business Bay, Dubai

Move to Dubai for Job Search

Move to Dubai for Job Search

Relocating to Dubai for employment is a monumental step, and Ownega Travels is your trusted companion on this transformative journey. Our comprehensive package not only covers the essentials like round-trip airfare, a 2-month visit visa, and airport pickups but goes the extra mile to ensure your success. We understand that securing a job in a new country can be challenging, so we provide you with a tailored job search training program. Our experienced team assists you in crafting a professionally polished CV that showcases your skills and experience in the best light, increasing your chances of landing the perfect job.

Moreover, our commitment extends beyond your initial arrival. We provide you with essential amenities such as comfortable accommodation, a laptop to facilitate your job search, and bedding and toiletries to ensure your immediate comfort. Ownega Travels empowers you with the tools, knowledge, and support you need to not just find a job in Dubai but to embark on a fulfilling and successful career in this dynamic city.

Contact Us

  • 307 Bay Square Business Bay Dubai
  • +971 52 203 5124
    +971 58 808 5230



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